
dan ketika cinta itu bersemayam layaknya virus,
ketika ia tumbuh, mengganda diri dalam keindahan
terpaku tak mampu mengurai sebuah proses yang valid, ia
terjerembab jauh di palung registry hati. Rindu . . .
Cache kasmaran yang bergolak, buat ku ekstrak dalam sebuah partisi baru
dalam master boot record, awal hingga cluster terakhir.
Sisakan sejenak ruang untuk diriku, tuk decryptkan sebuah sinyal dari mu
yang ku tau itu dalam bentuk aksara
a code built from various algorithms

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Simple FailOver Mikrotik 2 Gateway

This example explains how to use multiple gateways with one taking over when first fails. It begins with adding the gateways. Set bigger distance value for the secondary one, and check-gateway for the first one:

/ip route add gateway=[ip-gateway-utama] check-gateway=ping
/ip route add gateway=[ip-gateway-backup] distance=2

That's all, there are no more steps!

The first gateway will begin as it's distance is smaller (default 0); the check-gateway will make sure it's up; when the ping will fail, it will disable the first gateway and the second will take over; when first one comes up, it will return to it's function.

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